# Copyright (C) 2024, UChicago Argonne, LLC
# Licensed under the 3-clause BSD license. See accompanying LICENSE.txt file
# in the top-level directory.
# cython: language_level=3, boundscheck=True
import numpy as np

Eric Pershey
from .bitmask import EnhancedBitmask, EnhancedBitmaskLike
from .bitmask import build_cache, check_eb_overunderflow
from .bitmask import eb
from .bitmask_globals import __base_dtype__
from .bitmask_lite import LiteBitmask, LiteBitmaskSlots
def hex_string_to_bit_intervals(hexstr: str, limit=None) -> list:
"""given a hex string and limit, return a set of intervals that will be used
to create a LiteBitmaskSlots.
Brian Toonen provided this function and Eric Pershey worked to get it in place.
New code incoming."""
len_hexstr = len(hexstr)
if limit is None:
limit = len_hexstr * 4
binstr = bin(int(hexstr, 16))[2:]
intervals = []
begin_offset = len_hexstr * 4 - len(binstr)
start_loc = 0

Eric Pershey
cur_val = "0"
intervals_append = intervals.append
val: str
for loc, val in enumerate((bit for bit in binstr), begin_offset):
if loc == limit:
val = cur_val
loc = loc - 1
if val == cur_val:

Eric Pershey
if val == "0":
intervals_append((start_loc, loc - 1))
start_loc = loc
cur_val = val

Eric Pershey
if val == cur_val == "1":
intervals_append((start_loc, loc))
return intervals
class _BitmaskSerializer:
a helper class for converting to and from bitmasks
instead of having the function imported, allow it to cache
_instance = None
base_dtype = __base_dtype__
lookup_hexmask_to_bitmask = {}
lookup_binary_string_to_hexmask = {}
lookup_hexmask_to_binary_string = {}
def __new__(cls):
if cls._instance is None:
cls._instance = super(_BitmaskSerializer, cls).__new__(cls)
df = eb.__debug_flag__
eb.__debug_flag__ = False
hexmask_to_bitmask, binary_string_to_hexmask, hexmask_to_binary_string = build_cache()
eb.__debug_flag__ = df
cls.lookup_hexmask_to_bitmask = hexmask_to_bitmask
cls.lookup_binary_string_to_hexmask = binary_string_to_hexmask
cls.lookup_hexmask_to_binary_string = hexmask_to_binary_string
return cls._instance
def encode_bitmask_to_hex(self, bitmask: EnhancedBitmask) -> str:
"""Given a bitmask, convert it to a hex string (lower)
was mask_encode_hex"""

Eric Pershey
if type(bitmask) in [np.ndarray, EnhancedBitmask]:
assert bitmask.dtype == __base_dtype__, f"{bitmask.dtype=} != {__base_dtype__}"
check_eb_overunderflow(bitmask, debug=EnhancedBitmask.__debug_flag__)
grouping = 16
hex_string = ""
bitmask = bitmask.view(np.ndarray)
for offset in range(0, len(bitmask), grouping):
chunk = bitmask[offset : (offset + grouping)]
binchunk = chunk.tobytes()

Eric Pershey
hex_string += self.lookup_binary_string_to_hexmask[binchunk]

Eric Pershey
# this could be an odd size like 111111
# -> 00111111
# -> 3f
# fix for issue #7
# the cache has 8 bit chunks cached

Eric Pershey
hex_string += self.lookup_binary_string_to_hexmask[binchunk.ljust(8, b"\x00")]

Eric Pershey
# the cache also has 16 bit chunks cached

Eric Pershey
hex_string += self.lookup_binary_string_to_hexmask[binchunk.ljust(16, b"\x00")]

Eric Pershey
hex_string += self.lookup_binary_string_to_hexmask[binchunk.ljust(32, b"\x00")]
except KeyError:
elif isinstance(bitmask, EnhancedBitmaskLike):
grouping = 16
hex_string = ""
# for offset in range(0, len(bitmask), grouping):
bits = bitmask.get_idx_lst_from_bitmask(bitmask)
bit = bits.pop(0)
for offset in range(0, len(bitmask), grouping):
byteint = 0
if bit is not None:
extent = offset + grouping
while bit >= offset and bit < extent:
byteint += 1 << (grouping - (bit - offset) - 1)
if bits:
bit = bits.pop(0)
bit = None

Eric Pershey
hex_group = f"{byteint:0>4X}" # must be grouping / 4

Eric Pershey
hex_string += hex_group
raise Exception(f"unsupported bitmask: {type(bitmask)}")
return hex_string
def encode_bitmask_to_bin(self, bitmask: EnhancedBitmask) -> str:
check_eb_overunderflow(bitmask, debug=EnhancedBitmask.__debug_flag__)
bin_string = ""
for idx in range(0, len(bitmask)):
value = bitmask[idx]
bin_string += str(value)
return bin_string
def decode_hex_to_bitmask(self, hex_string: str, limit=None) -> EnhancedBitmask:
"""given a hex_string(lower case), convert it from a hex_string
to a bitmask.
Use limit to create a bitmask not divisible by 4
hex_string_length = len(hex_string)

Eric Pershey
required_hex_string_length = (limit // 4) + (1 if limit % 4 else 0)
if limit is None:
raise Exception("limit is required to get a correct sized bitmask, please send in limit")
elif hex_string_length < required_hex_string_length:
raise Exception(f"hex string is too short, is {hex_string_length} req:{required_hex_string_length}")
lookup = self.lookup_hexmask_to_binary_string
ungrouping = 4
bitmask_lst = []
bitmask_lst_append = bitmask_lst.append
for offset in range(0, len(hex_string), ungrouping):
hex_extent = offset + ungrouping
bin_extent = hex_extent * 4
chunk = hex_string[offset:hex_extent]
if hex_extent > hex_string_length:
bin_extent = hex_string_length * 4
_bitmask = np.frombuffer(lookup[chunk], dtype=self.base_dtype)
if limit and bin_extent > limit:
_bitmask = _bitmask[: -(bin_extent - limit)]
bitmask = eb.concatenate(bitmask_lst)
return bitmask
# def encode_litebitmask_to_hex(self, bitmask: EnhancedBitmask) -> str:
# pass
def decode_hex_to_litebitmask(self, hex_string: str, limit=None) -> LiteBitmask:
"""given a hex_string(lower case), convert it from a hex_string
to a bitmask.
Use limit to create a bitmask not divisible by 4
intervals = hex_string_to_bit_intervals(hex_string, limit=limit)
# bit_idx_first = intervals[0][0] if intervals else -1
# bit_idx_last = intervals[-1][1] if intervals else -1
# bitmask = LiteBitmaskSlots(limit, bit_count, intervals, bit_idx_first, bit_idx_last)
# todo: evaluate correctness of validate=True and merge=False.
bitmask = LiteBitmask.zeros_and_set_intervals(limit, intervals, validate=True, merge=False)
# import ipdb; ipdb.set_trace()
return bitmask
def get_bitmask_sum(self, bitmask: EnhancedBitmask) -> int:
"""this gets the sum, not the count, be careful"""
return int(eb.sum(bitmask))
def get_bitmask_count(self, bitmask: EnhancedBitmask) -> int:
"""this gets the count of the bits set."""
return bitmask.bit_count
def BitmaskSerializer():
BitS = _BitmaskSerializer()
return BitS