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Commit 44395573 authored by Eric Pershey's avatar Eric Pershey
Browse files

isolating the bitmask functions from spark by moving under Octeres.Bitmask

parent aad56ac8
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* Copyright (C) 2024, UChicago Argonne, LLC
* Licensed under the 3-clause BSD license. See accompanying LICENSE.txt file
* in the top-level directory.
package Octeres.Bitmask
import scala.collection.immutable.ArraySeq
import scala.collection.mutable.{ArrayBuffer, ListBuffer}
object BitmaskLite {
case class LiteBitmaskStruct(length: Long, bit_count: Long, bit_idx_first: Long, bit_idx_last: Long,
intervals: ArraySeq[ArraySeq[Long]])
def getLiteBitmaskZeros(length: Long): LiteBitmaskStruct = {
LiteBitmaskStruct(length, 0L, -1L, -1L, ArraySeq())
def getLiteBitmaskZeros(length: Int): LiteBitmaskStruct = {
LiteBitmaskStruct(length.toLong, 0L, -1L, -1L, ArraySeq())
def getCombinedIntervalsUntilAllConsumed(alst: ArraySeq[ArraySeq[Long]], blst: ArraySeq[ArraySeq[Long]]): Seq[List[Long]] = {
var aidx: Long = 0
var bidx: Long = 0
val exit_list = List[Long](-2, -2)
LazyList.continually {
val amin: Long = if (aidx < alst.length) alst(aidx.toInt).head else -2L
val amax: Long = if (aidx < alst.length) alst(aidx.toInt).last else -2L
val bmin: Long = if (bidx < blst.length) blst(bidx.toInt).head else -2L
val bmax: Long = if (bidx < blst.length) blst(bidx.toInt).last else -2L
(amin, bmin) match {
case (-2L, -2L) =>
case (_, -2L) =>
aidx += 1L
List(amin, amax)
case (-2L, _) =>
bidx += 1L
List(bmin, bmax)
case (_, _) if (amin != -2 & amin <= bmin) =>
aidx += 1L
List(amin, amax)
case _ =>
bidx += 1L
List(bmin, bmax)
}.takeWhile(_ != exit_list)
class BitmaskError(message: String) extends Exception(message) {
def this(message: String, cause: Throwable = null) = {
def this(cause: Throwable) = {
this(Option(cause).map(_.toString).orNull, cause)
def this() = {
this(null: String)
def validateLiteBitmaskSlotsLike(obj: LiteBitmaskStruct): Unit = {
val intervals = obj.intervals
if (obj.bit_count > 0) {
if (obj.bit_idx_last >= obj.length) {
throw new BitmaskError(s"bit_idx_last is greater than length")
if (obj.bit_idx_first != intervals.head.head) {
throw new BitmaskError(s"bit_idx_first:${obj.bit_idx_first} != intervals.head.head:${intervals.head.head}")
if (obj.bit_idx_last != intervals.last.last) {
throw new BitmaskError(s"bit_idx_last:${obj.bit_idx_last} != intervals.last.last:${intervals.last.last}")
} else {
if (obj.bit_idx_first != -1) {
throw new BitmaskError(s"bit_idx_first:${obj.bit_idx_first} != -1")
if (obj.bit_idx_last != -1) {
throw new BitmaskError(s"bit_idx_last:${obj.bit_idx_last} != -1")
var bit_count: Long = 0
for ((alar, i) <- intervals.zipWithIndex) {
val al: Long = alar.head
val ar: Long = alar.last
val sub_bit_count: Long = (ar - al) + 1L
if (sub_bit_count < 1) {
throw new BitmaskError(s"negative interval: [$al, $ar]")
bit_count += sub_bit_count
if (al > ar) {
throw new BitmaskError(s"negative interval: [$al, $ar]")
val blbr: Option[ArraySeq[Long]] = intervals.lift(i + 1)
blbr match {
case Some(x: ArraySeq[Long]) => {
val bl: Long = x.head
val br: Long = x.last
if ((al == bl) & (ar == br)) {
throw new BitmaskError(s"duplicate interval: [$al, $ar]")
if ((ar + 1) == bl) {
throw new BitmaskError(s"interval not merged: ${ar}+1 == ${bl} for $alar->$blbr")
if (ar > bl) {
throw new BitmaskError(s"interval out of order or not merged: ${ar} > ${bl} for $alar->$blbr")
case None => Nil
if (bit_count != obj.bit_count) {
throw new BitmaskError(s"bit_count:${bit_count} != obj.bit_count:${obj.bit_count}")
def logical_or_v0(a_bitmask: LiteBitmaskStruct, b_bitmask: LiteBitmaskStruct): LiteBitmaskStruct = {
/* does a logical or of two bit intervals
* From Spark ([8,3,ArraySeq(ArraySeq(0, 2)),0,2],[8,3,ArraySeq(ArraySeq(0, 2)),0,2]) */
val intervalGen: Seq[List[Long]] = getCombinedIntervalsUntilAllConsumed(
val intervals = ArrayBuffer.empty[ArraySeq[Long]]
var bitCount: Long = 0
var bitIdxFirst: Long = -1
var bitIdxLast: Long = -1
var prev_start: Long = -1
var prev_end: Long = -1
val itr = intervalGen.iterator
for (List(next_start, next_end) <- itr) {
(next_start, next_end) match {
case (-2, -2) => // case where there is nothing
bitCount = 0
bitIdxFirst = -1
bitIdxLast = -1
case _ if (prev_start == -1 & prev_end == -1) => // Initial variable, setting previous
prev_start = next_start
prev_end = next_end
intervals += ArraySeq(prev_start, prev_end)
bitCount = prev_end - prev_start + 1
bitIdxFirst = intervals.head.head
bitIdxLast = intervals.last.last
case _ =>
if (next_start <= prev_end + 1) {
val new_end = Math.max(prev_end, next_end)
intervals(intervals.length - 1) = ArraySeq(prev_start, new_end)
bitCount += new_end - prev_end
prev_end = new_end
} else {
intervals += ArraySeq(next_start, next_end)
bitCount += next_end - next_start + 1
prev_start = next_start
prev_end = next_end
bitIdxFirst = intervals.head.head
bitIdxLast = intervals.last.last
val result_intervals: ArraySeq[ArraySeq[Long]] = ArraySeq.from(intervals)
// hopefully this is a view not a copy
// val result_intervals: ArraySeq[ArraySeq[Long]] = ArraySeq.unsafeWrapArray(intervals.toArray)
LiteBitmaskStruct(a_bitmask.length, bitCount, bitIdxFirst, bitIdxLast, result_intervals)
def logical_or(a_bitmask: LiteBitmaskStruct, b_bitmask: LiteBitmaskStruct): LiteBitmaskStruct = {
logical_or_v0(a_bitmask, b_bitmask)
def intersection_possible(a_bitmask: LiteBitmaskStruct, b_bitmask: LiteBitmaskStruct): Boolean = {
var result = true
if ((a_bitmask.bit_count == 0) | (b_bitmask.bit_count == 0)) {
result = false
} else if (a_bitmask.bit_idx_first > b_bitmask.bit_idx_last) {
result = false
} else if (a_bitmask.bit_idx_last < b_bitmask.bit_idx_first) {
result = false
} else {
result = true
def getIntervalUntilAllConsumed(alst: List[List[Long]], blst: List[List[Long]]): Seq[List[Long]] = {
/* from get_intervals_until_all_consumed */
var aidx: Long = 0
var bidx: Long = 0
val exit_list: List[Long] = List(-2, -2)
LazyList.continually {
val amin: Long = if (aidx < alst.length) alst(aidx.toInt).head else -2
val amax: Long = if (aidx < alst.length) alst(aidx.toInt).last else -2
val bmin: Long = if (bidx < blst.length) blst(bidx.toInt).head else -2
val bmax: Long = if (bidx < blst.length) blst(bidx.toInt).last else -2
// println(s"aidx:${aidx} bidx:${bidx} ${amin},${bmin} amin:${amin} amax:${amax} bmin:${bmin} bmax:${bmax}")
(amin, bmin) match {
case (-2, -2) =>
case (_, -2) =>
aidx += 1
List(amin, amax)
case (-2, _) =>
bidx += 1
List(bmin, bmax)
case (_, _) if (amin != -2 & amin <= bmin) =>
aidx += 1
List(amin, amax)
case _ =>
bidx += 1
List(bmin, bmax)
}.takeWhile(_ != exit_list)
class IntervalIterator(intervals: ArraySeq[ArraySeq[Long]], bit_idx_first: Long, bit_idx_last: Long) {
var cur_interval_idx: Long = 0
var cur_interval: ArraySeq[Long] = intervals(cur_interval_idx.toInt)
var cur_range_idx: Long = 0
var cur_range: ArraySeq[Long] = ArraySeq.range(cur_interval.head, cur_interval.last+1)
def printState(): Unit = {
println(s"bit_idx_first: ${bit_idx_first} bit_idx_last: ${bit_idx_last}")
println(s"cur_interval_idx: ${cur_interval_idx} cur_interval: ${cur_interval}")
println(s"cur_range_idx: ${cur_range_idx} cur_range: ${cur_range}")
def _jumpForward(i: Long): Unit = {
var found = false
while (!isEmpty & !found) {
if (bit_idx_first > cur_interval.last) {
} else {
if (bit_idx_first > cur_range(cur_range_idx.toInt)){
} else {
found = true
def _moveEnd(): Unit = {
cur_interval_idx = -2
cur_range_idx = -2
def _moveForwardInterval(): Unit = {
cur_interval_idx += 1
cur_range_idx = 0
cur_interval = intervals(cur_interval_idx.toInt)
cur_range = ArraySeq.range(cur_interval.head, cur_interval.last+1)
def _moveForwardRange(): Unit = {
cur_range_idx += 1
def isEmpty: Boolean = {
if (cur_interval_idx == -2 & cur_range_idx == -2){
} else if (cur_interval_idx >= intervals.length & cur_range_idx >= cur_range.length){
} else {
def nonEmpty: Boolean = {
def _move(): Unit = {
if (cur_range_idx+1 >= cur_range.length){
if (cur_interval_idx+1 >= cur_interval.length) {
} else {
} else {
def get(): Long = {
val i = cur_range(cur_range_idx.toInt)
if (i >= bit_idx_last & bit_idx_last >= 0){
} else {
def getIntervalBits(a_bitmask: LiteBitmaskStruct, bit_idx_first: Long = 0, bit_idx_last: Long = -2): List[Long] = {
val bit_lst: ListBuffer[Long] = ListBuffer()
a_bitmask.intervals.foreach(elem => {
for (i <- elem.head to elem.last) { // inclusive
if (i < bit_idx_first){
} else if (bit_idx_last != -2 & (i > bit_idx_last)) {
} else {
bit_lst += i
def intersection_any_v0(a_bitmask: LiteBitmaskStruct, b_bitmask: LiteBitmaskStruct): Boolean = {
var result = false
if (!intersection_possible(a_bitmask, b_bitmask)) {
result = false
} else {
val first_a = a_bitmask.bit_idx_first
val last_a = a_bitmask.bit_idx_last
val first_b = b_bitmask.bit_idx_first
val last_b = b_bitmask.bit_idx_last
if ((first_a == first_b) | (last_a == last_b)) {
result = true
} else if ((a_bitmask.bit_idx_last == b_bitmask.bit_idx_first) | (a_bitmask.bit_idx_last == b_bitmask.bit_idx_last)) {
result = true
} else {
val bit_idx_first = if (first_a >= first_b) first_a else first_b
val bit_idx_last = if (last_a < last_b) last_a else last_b
var a_lst = getIntervalBits(a_bitmask, bit_idx_first=bit_idx_first, bit_idx_last=bit_idx_last)
var b_lst = getIntervalBits(b_bitmask, bit_idx_first=bit_idx_first, bit_idx_last=bit_idx_last)
if (a_lst.isEmpty | b_lst.isEmpty){
} else {
var a_idx = a_lst.head
a_lst = a_lst.tail
var b_idx = b_lst.head
b_lst = b_lst.tail
while (a_idx >= 0 & b_idx >= 0) {
if (a_idx == b_idx) {
result = true
a_idx = -2
b_idx = -2
} else if (a_idx > b_idx){
// move b_idx
if (b_lst.nonEmpty) {
b_idx = b_lst.head
b_lst = b_lst.tail
} else {
b_idx = -2
} else {
// move a_idx
if (a_lst.nonEmpty){
a_idx = a_lst.head
a_lst = a_lst.tail
} else {
a_idx = -2
def intersection_any_v1(a_bitmask: LiteBitmaskStruct, b_bitmask: LiteBitmaskStruct): Boolean = {
var result = false
if (!intersection_possible(a_bitmask, b_bitmask)) {
result = false
} else {
val first_a = a_bitmask.bit_idx_first
val last_a = a_bitmask.bit_idx_last
val first_b = b_bitmask.bit_idx_first
val last_b = b_bitmask.bit_idx_last
if ((first_a == first_b) | (last_a == last_b)) {
result = true
} else if ((a_bitmask.bit_idx_last == b_bitmask.bit_idx_first) | (a_bitmask.bit_idx_last == b_bitmask.bit_idx_last)) {
result = true
} else {
val bit_idx_first = if (first_a >= first_b) first_a else first_b
val bit_idx_last = if (last_a < last_b) last_a else last_b
val a_ii = new IntervalIterator(a_bitmask.intervals, bit_idx_first, bit_idx_last)
val b_ii = new IntervalIterator(b_bitmask.intervals, bit_idx_first, bit_idx_last)
if (a_ii.isEmpty | b_ii.isEmpty){
} else {
var a_idx = a_ii.get()
var b_idx = b_ii.get()
while (a_idx >= 0 & b_idx >= 0) {
if (a_idx == b_idx) {
result = true
a_idx = -2
b_idx = -2
} else if (a_idx > b_idx){
// move b_idx
if (b_ii.nonEmpty) {
b_idx = b_ii.get()
} else {
b_idx = -2
} else {
// move a_idx
if (a_ii.nonEmpty){
a_idx = a_ii.get()
} else {
a_idx = -2
def intersection_any(a_bitmask: LiteBitmaskStruct, b_bitmask: LiteBitmaskStruct): Boolean = {
/* this directs the data to the current version of the function */
intersection_any_v1(a_bitmask, b_bitmask)
......@@ -10,19 +10,16 @@ Todo: the .toInt are not the best for indexing a ArraySeq, this may require a re
package Octeres
import org.apache.spark.sql.SparkSession
import org.apache.spark.sql._
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.expressions.GenericRowWithSchema
import org.apache.spark.sql.expressions.UserDefinedFunction
import org.apache.spark.sql.functions.udf
import org.apache.spark.sql.types._
import scala.collection.immutable.ArraySeq
import scala.collection.mutable.{ArrayBuffer, ListBuffer}
import Octeres.Bitmask.BitmaskLite.LiteBitmaskStruct
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.expressions.GenericRowWithSchema
import org.apache.spark.sql.types.StructType
import scala.collection.immutable.ArraySeq
object DataUDF {
case class LiteBitmaskStruct(length: Long, bit_count: Long, bit_idx_first: Long, bit_idx_last: Long,
intervals: ArraySeq[ArraySeq[Long]])
val LiteBitmaskSchema: StructType = Encoders.product[LiteBitmaskStruct].schema
val LiteBitmaskEncoder = Encoders.bean(LiteBitmaskStruct.getClass)
......@@ -38,159 +35,9 @@ object DataUDF {
new GenericRowWithSchema(Array(length, bit_count, bit_idx_first, bit_idx_last, intervals), LiteBitmaskSchema)
def getCombinedIntervalsUntilAllConsumed(alst: ArraySeq[ArraySeq[Long]], blst: ArraySeq[ArraySeq[Long]]): Seq[List[Long]] = {
var aidx: Long = 0
var bidx: Long = 0
val exit_list = List[Long](-2, -2)
LazyList.continually {
val amin: Long = if (aidx < alst.length) alst(aidx.toInt).head else -2L
val amax: Long = if (aidx < alst.length) alst(aidx.toInt).last else -2L
val bmin: Long = if (bidx < blst.length) blst(bidx.toInt).head else -2L
val bmax: Long = if (bidx < blst.length) blst(bidx.toInt).last else -2L
(amin, bmin) match {
case (-2L, -2L) =>
case (_, -2L) =>
aidx += 1L
List(amin, amax)
case (-2L, _) =>
bidx += 1L
List(bmin, bmax)
case (_, _) if (amin != -2 & amin <= bmin) =>
aidx += 1L
List(amin, amax)
case _ =>
bidx += 1L
List(bmin, bmax)
}.takeWhile(_ != exit_list)
class BitmaskError(message: String) extends Exception(message) {
def this(message: String, cause: Throwable = null) = {
def this(cause: Throwable) = {
this(Option(cause).map(_.toString).orNull, cause)
def this() = {
this(null: String)
def validateLiteBitmaskSlotsLike(row: Row): Unit = {
val obj = rowToLiteBitmaskStruct(row)
def validateLiteBitmaskSlotsLike(obj: LiteBitmaskStruct): Unit = {
val intervals = obj.intervals
if (obj.bit_count > 0) {
if (obj.bit_idx_last >= obj.length) {
throw new BitmaskError(s"bit_idx_last is greater than length")
if (obj.bit_idx_first != intervals.head.head) {
throw new BitmaskError(s"bit_idx_first:${obj.bit_idx_first} != intervals.head.head:${intervals.head.head}")
if (obj.bit_idx_last != intervals.last.last) {
throw new BitmaskError(s"bit_idx_last:${obj.bit_idx_last} != intervals.last.last:${intervals.last.last}")
} else {
if (obj.bit_idx_first != -1) {
throw new BitmaskError(s"bit_idx_first:${obj.bit_idx_first} != -1")
if (obj.bit_idx_last != -1) {
throw new BitmaskError(s"bit_idx_last:${obj.bit_idx_last} != -1")
var bit_count: Long = 0
for ((alar, i) <- intervals.zipWithIndex) {
val al: Long = alar.head
val ar: Long = alar.last
val sub_bit_count: Long = (ar - al) + 1L
if (sub_bit_count < 1) {
throw new BitmaskError(s"negative interval: [$al, $ar]")
bit_count += sub_bit_count
if (al > ar) {
throw new BitmaskError(s"negative interval: [$al, $ar]")
val blbr: Option[ArraySeq[Long]] = intervals.lift(i + 1)
blbr match {
case Some(x: ArraySeq[Long]) => {
val bl: Long = x.head
val br: Long = x.last
if ((al == bl) & (ar == br)) {
throw new BitmaskError(s"duplicate interval: [$al, $ar]")
if ((ar + 1) == bl) {
throw new BitmaskError(s"interval not merged: ${ar}+1 == ${bl} for $alar->$blbr")
if (ar > bl) {
throw new BitmaskError(s"interval out of order or not merged: ${ar} > ${bl} for $alar->$blbr")
case None => Nil
if (bit_count != obj.bit_count) {
throw new BitmaskError(s"bit_count:${bit_count} != obj.bit_count:${obj.bit_count}")
def logical_or_v0(abi: Row, bbi: Row): LiteBitmaskStruct = {
logical_or_v0(rowToLiteBitmaskStruct(abi), rowToLiteBitmaskStruct(bbi))
def logical_or_v0(a_bitmask: LiteBitmaskStruct, b_bitmask: LiteBitmaskStruct): LiteBitmaskStruct = {
/* does a logical or of two bit intervals
* From Spark ([8,3,ArraySeq(ArraySeq(0, 2)),0,2],[8,3,ArraySeq(ArraySeq(0, 2)),0,2]) */
val intervalGen: Seq[List[Long]] = getCombinedIntervalsUntilAllConsumed(
val intervals = ArrayBuffer.empty[ArraySeq[Long]]
var bitCount: Long = 0
var bitIdxFirst: Long = -1
var bitIdxLast: Long = -1
var prev_start: Long = -1
var prev_end: Long = -1
val itr = intervalGen.iterator
for (List(next_start, next_end) <- itr) {
(next_start, next_end) match {
case (-2, -2) => // case where there is nothing
bitCount = 0
bitIdxFirst = -1
bitIdxLast = -1
case _ if (prev_start == -1 & prev_end == -1) => // Initial variable, setting previous
prev_start = next_start
prev_end = next_end
intervals += ArraySeq(prev_start, prev_end)
bitCount = prev_end - prev_start + 1
bitIdxFirst = intervals.head.head
bitIdxLast = intervals.last.last
case _ =>
if (next_start <= prev_end + 1) {
val new_end = Math.max(prev_end, next_end)
intervals(intervals.length - 1) = ArraySeq(prev_start, new_end)
bitCount += new_end - prev_end
prev_end = new_end
} else {
intervals += ArraySeq(next_start, next_end)
bitCount += next_end - next_start + 1
prev_start = next_start
prev_end = next_end
bitIdxFirst = intervals.head.head
bitIdxLast = intervals.last.last
val result_intervals: ArraySeq[ArraySeq[Long]] = ArraySeq.from(intervals)
// hopefully this is a view not a copy
// val result_intervals: ArraySeq[ArraySeq[Long]] = ArraySeq.unsafeWrapArray(intervals.toArray)
LiteBitmaskStruct(a_bitmask.length, bitCount, bitIdxFirst, bitIdxLast, result_intervals)
def liteBitmaskStructToRow(bitmaskStruct: LiteBitmaskStruct): Row = {
......@@ -216,285 +63,17 @@ object DataUDF {
case (null, null) => null
case (null, _) => rowToLiteBitmaskStruct(b_bitmask)
case (_, null) => rowToLiteBitmaskStruct(a_bitmask)
case (_, _) => logical_or_v0(a_bitmask, b_bitmask)
case (_, _) => Octeres.Bitmask.BitmaskLite.logical_or(rowToLiteBitmaskStruct(a_bitmask), rowToLiteBitmaskStruct(b_bitmask))
def intersection_possible(a_bitmask: LiteBitmaskStruct, b_bitmask: LiteBitmaskStruct): Boolean = {
var result = true
if ((a_bitmask.bit_count == 0) | (b_bitmask.bit_count == 0)) {
result = false
} else if (a_bitmask.bit_idx_first > b_bitmask.bit_idx_last) {
result = false
} else if (a_bitmask.bit_idx_last < b_bitmask.bit_idx_first) {
result = false
} else {
result = true
def intersection_possible(abi: Row, bbi: Row): Boolean = {
val bitmask_a = rowToLiteBitmaskStruct(abi)
val bitmask_b = rowToLiteBitmaskStruct(bbi)
intersection_possible(bitmask_a, bitmask_b)
def getIntervalUntilAllConsumed(alst: List[List[Long]], blst: List[List[Long]]): Seq[List[Long]] = {
/* from get_intervals_until_all_consumed */
var aidx: Long = 0
var bidx: Long = 0
val exit_list: List[Long] = List(-2, -2)
LazyList.continually {
val amin: Long = if (aidx < alst.length) alst(aidx.toInt).head else -2
val amax: Long = if (aidx < alst.length) alst(aidx.toInt).last else -2
val bmin: Long = if (bidx < blst.length) blst(bidx.toInt).head else -2
val bmax: Long = if (bidx < blst.length) blst(bidx.toInt).last else -2
// println(s"aidx:${aidx} bidx:${bidx} ${amin},${bmin} amin:${amin} amax:${amax} bmin:${bmin} bmax:${bmax}")
(amin, bmin) match {
case (-2, -2) =>
case (_, -2) =>
aidx += 1
List(amin, amax)
case (-2, _) =>
bidx += 1
List(bmin, bmax)
case (_, _) if (amin != -2 & amin <= bmin) =>
aidx += 1
List(amin, amax)
case _ =>
bidx += 1
List(bmin, bmax)
}.takeWhile(_ != exit_list)
class IntervalIterator(intervals: ArraySeq[ArraySeq[Long]], bit_idx_first: Long, bit_idx_last: Long) {
var cur_interval_idx: Long = 0
var cur_interval: ArraySeq[Long] = intervals(cur_interval_idx.toInt)
var cur_range_idx: Long = 0
var cur_range: ArraySeq[Long] = ArraySeq.range(cur_interval.head, cur_interval.last+1)
def printState(): Unit = {
println(s"bit_idx_first: ${bit_idx_first} bit_idx_last: ${bit_idx_last}")
println(s"cur_interval_idx: ${cur_interval_idx} cur_interval: ${cur_interval}")
println(s"cur_range_idx: ${cur_range_idx} cur_range: ${cur_range}")
def _jumpForward(i: Long): Unit = {
var found = false
while (!isEmpty & !found) {
if (bit_idx_first > cur_interval.last) {
} else {
if (bit_idx_first > cur_range(cur_range_idx.toInt)){
} else {
found = true
def _moveEnd(): Unit = {
cur_interval_idx = -2
cur_range_idx = -2
def _moveForwardInterval(): Unit = {
cur_interval_idx += 1
cur_range_idx = 0
cur_interval = intervals(cur_interval_idx.toInt)
cur_range = ArraySeq.range(cur_interval.head, cur_interval.last+1)
def _moveForwardRange(): Unit = {
cur_range_idx += 1
def isEmpty: Boolean = {
if (cur_interval_idx == -2 & cur_range_idx == -2){
} else if (cur_interval_idx >= intervals.length & cur_range_idx >= cur_range.length){
} else {
def nonEmpty: Boolean = {
def _move(): Unit = {
if (cur_range_idx+1 >= cur_range.length){
if (cur_interval_idx+1 >= cur_interval.length) {
} else {
} else {
def get(): Long = {
val i = cur_range(cur_range_idx.toInt)
if (i >= bit_idx_last & bit_idx_last >= 0){
} else {
// def getIntervalBitsGenerator(intervals: List[List[Long]], bit_idx_first: Long, bit_idx_last: Long): Iterator[Long] = {
// for (lst <- intervals) {
// val start = lst(0)
// val end = lst.last + 1
// LazyList.range(start, end)
// }
// }
def getIntervalBits(a_bitmask: LiteBitmaskStruct, bit_idx_first: Long = 0, bit_idx_last: Long = -2): List[Long] = {
val bit_lst: ListBuffer[Long] = ListBuffer()
a_bitmask.intervals.foreach(elem => {
for (i <- elem.head to elem.last) { // inclusive
if (i < bit_idx_first){
} else if (bit_idx_last != -2 & (i > bit_idx_last)) {
} else {
bit_lst += i
def intersection_any_v0(a_bitmask: LiteBitmaskStruct, b_bitmask: LiteBitmaskStruct): Boolean = {
var result = false
if (!intersection_possible(a_bitmask, b_bitmask)) {
result = false
} else {
val first_a = a_bitmask.bit_idx_first
val last_a = a_bitmask.bit_idx_last
val first_b = b_bitmask.bit_idx_first
val last_b = b_bitmask.bit_idx_last
if ((first_a == first_b) | (last_a == last_b)) {
result = true
} else if ((a_bitmask.bit_idx_last == b_bitmask.bit_idx_first) | (a_bitmask.bit_idx_last == b_bitmask.bit_idx_last)) {
result = true
} else {
val bit_idx_first = if (first_a >= first_b) first_a else first_b
val bit_idx_last = if (last_a < last_b) last_a else last_b
var a_lst = getIntervalBits(a_bitmask, bit_idx_first=bit_idx_first, bit_idx_last=bit_idx_last)
var b_lst = getIntervalBits(b_bitmask, bit_idx_first=bit_idx_first, bit_idx_last=bit_idx_last)
if (a_lst.isEmpty | b_lst.isEmpty){
} else {
var a_idx = a_lst.head
a_lst = a_lst.tail
var b_idx = b_lst.head
b_lst = b_lst.tail
while (a_idx >= 0 & b_idx >= 0) {
if (a_idx == b_idx) {
result = true
a_idx = -2
b_idx = -2
} else if (a_idx > b_idx){
// move b_idx
if (b_lst.nonEmpty) {
b_idx = b_lst.head
b_lst = b_lst.tail
} else {
b_idx = -2
} else {
// move a_idx
if (a_lst.nonEmpty){
a_idx = a_lst.head
a_lst = a_lst.tail
} else {
a_idx = -2
def intersection_any_v0(abi: Row, bbi: Row): Boolean = {
val bitmask_a = rowToLiteBitmaskStruct(abi)
val bitmask_b = rowToLiteBitmaskStruct(bbi)
intersection_any_v0(bitmask_a, bitmask_b)
def intersection_any_v1(a_bitmask: LiteBitmaskStruct, b_bitmask: LiteBitmaskStruct): Boolean = {
var result = false
if (!intersection_possible(a_bitmask, b_bitmask)) {
result = false
} else {
val first_a = a_bitmask.bit_idx_first
val last_a = a_bitmask.bit_idx_last
val first_b = b_bitmask.bit_idx_first
val last_b = b_bitmask.bit_idx_last
if ((first_a == first_b) | (last_a == last_b)) {
result = true
} else if ((a_bitmask.bit_idx_last == b_bitmask.bit_idx_first) | (a_bitmask.bit_idx_last == b_bitmask.bit_idx_last)) {
result = true
} else {
val bit_idx_first = if (first_a >= first_b) first_a else first_b
val bit_idx_last = if (last_a < last_b) last_a else last_b
val a_ii = new IntervalIterator(a_bitmask.intervals, bit_idx_first, bit_idx_last)
val b_ii = new IntervalIterator(b_bitmask.intervals, bit_idx_first, bit_idx_last)
if (a_ii.isEmpty | b_ii.isEmpty){
} else {
var a_idx = a_ii.get()
var b_idx = b_ii.get()
while (a_idx >= 0 & b_idx >= 0) {
if (a_idx == b_idx) {
result = true
a_idx = -2
b_idx = -2
} else if (a_idx > b_idx){
// move b_idx
if (b_ii.nonEmpty) {
b_idx = b_ii.get()
} else {
b_idx = -2
} else {
// move a_idx
if (a_ii.nonEmpty){
a_idx = a_ii.get()
} else {
a_idx = -2
def intersection_any_v1(abi: Row, bbi: Row): Boolean = {
val bitmask_a = rowToLiteBitmaskStruct(abi)
val bitmask_b = rowToLiteBitmaskStruct(bbi)
intersection_any_v1(bitmask_a, bitmask_b)
def intersection_any(a_bitmask: Row, b_bitmask: Row): Boolean = {
val result = (a_bitmask, b_bitmask) match {
case (null, null) => false
case (null, _) => false
case (_, null) => false
case (_, _) => intersection_any_v1(a_bitmask, b_bitmask)
case (_, _) => Octeres.Bitmask.BitmaskLite.intersection_any(rowToLiteBitmaskStruct(a_bitmask), rowToLiteBitmaskStruct(b_bitmask))
......@@ -25,6 +25,7 @@ from pyspark.sql.types import StructType, StructField, TimestampType, StringType
from Ocean.schema_lookup import schema_bitmask
from Octeres.bitmask import BASE_DTYPE_MAX
from Octeres.bitmask import eb
from Octeres.bitmask.bitmask_globals import __boxed_dtype__
from Octeres.bitmask.bitmask_lite import LiteBitmask, LiteBitmaskSlots
from Octeres.data_generation import EventGeneration
from Octeres.forthwith import FORMAT_DATE_DAY
......@@ -47,6 +48,11 @@ try:
except ImportError:
dask = None
import swifter
except ImportError:
swifter = None
pd.set_option("display.max_rows", None)
pd.set_option("display.max_columns", None)
pd.set_option("display.width", 512)
......@@ -753,8 +759,9 @@ def test_get_mask_sum_03b():
with pytest.raises(Underflow):
value = pit.get_mask_sum()
if __boxed_dtype__ == np.int8:
with pytest.raises(Underflow):
value = pit.get_mask_sum()
def test_get_mask_sum_03c():
......@@ -772,13 +779,103 @@ def test_get_mask_sum_03c():
with pytest.raises(Overflow):
value = pit.get_mask_sum()
if __boxed_dtype__ == np.int8:
with pytest.raises(Overflow):
value = pit.get_mask_sum()
# FIXME: todo
# @pytest.mark.skipif(swifter is None, reason="could not import swifter")
# def test_the_gauntlet_swifter():
# # requires dask, dask[distributed]
# machine_name = "test_machine"
# dtype = "U2"
# empty_value = " "
# test_value = ".."
# bit_total = 32 # 100000
# bitmask_class = LiteBitmask
# time_seconds = 3600 # 86400
# range_start = datetime.datetime.strptime("2024-01-01", FORMAT_DATE_DAY)
# range_end = range_start + datetime.timedelta(seconds=time_seconds)
# eg = EventGeneration(
# time_seconds,
# bit_total,
# dtype=dtype,
# empty_value=empty_value,
# test_value=test_value,
# # visualize=True,
# # visualize_sleep=0.25,
# bitmask_class=bitmask_class,
# seed=42,
# )
# characters = []
# characters.extend(list(range(97, 122 + 1)))
# characters.extend(list(range(65, 90 + 1)))
# characters.extend(list(range(48, 57 + 1)))
# characters = list(map(chr, characters))
# event_names = eg.generate_names_n_level(characters, 3)
# events = eg.generate_non_overlapping_box_events_v1(event_names)
# event_lst = events.event_lst
# correct_unit_seconds = time_seconds * bit_total
# correct_possible_unit_seconds = (range_end - range_start).total_seconds() * bit_total
# for event_dct in event_lst:
# ts = event_dct['ts']
# te = event_dct['te']
# event_dct['time_start'] = pd.to_datetime(range_start +
# datetime.timedelta(seconds=ts, microseconds=int(random.uniform(0, 1) * 1000000)), utc=False)
# event_dct['time_end'] = pd.to_datetime(range_start +
# datetime.timedelta(seconds=te, microseconds=int(random.uniform(0, 1) * 1000000)), utc=False)
# event_dct['pk'] = event_dct['name']
# event_dct['event_type_name'] = 'job'
# pdf = pd.DataFrame(event_lst)
# pdf['time_start'] = pdf['ts'].swifter.apply(lambda tsi: pd.to_datetime(range_start + datetime.timedelta(seconds=tsi, microseconds=int(random.uniform(0, 1) * 1000000)), utc=False))
# pdf['time_end'] = pdf['te'].swifter.apply(lambda tsi: pd.to_datetime(range_start + datetime.timedelta(seconds=tsi, microseconds=int(random.uniform(0, 1) * 1000000)), utc=False))
# pdf['pk'] = pdf['name']
# pdf['event_type_name'] = 'job'
# # ddf['bitmask'] = ddf['bitmask'].apply(func, meta=('bitmask', object))
# # event_lst = df_to_lstofdct(pdf2)
# # for event_dct in event_lst:
# # event_dct['bitmask'] = LiteBitmask.from_dict(event_dct['bitmask'])
# # base_mask = bitmask_class.zeros(bit_total)
# # tl = Timeline(machine_name, range_start, range_end, base_mask)
# # possible_unit_seconds = tl.possible_unit_seconds
# # with cProfile.Profile() as pr:
# # timeline_lst = tl.prepare_event_timeline(event_lst)
# # timeline_dct = tl.group_timeline(timeline_lst)
# # timeline_sorted = tl.sort_timeline(timeline_dct)
# # mask_timeline = tl.normalize_timeline_pit(timeline_sorted)
# # mask_timeline = tl.sum_timeline(mask_timeline, test_negative=False)
# # # tl.print_timeline(mask_timeline, binary=True)
# # mask_timeline = tl.flatten_timeline(mask_timeline)
# # mask_timeline = tl.isolate_timeline_range(mask_timeline)
# # # tl.print_timeline(mask_timeline)
# # mag_timeline = tl.mask_timeline_to_mag_timeline(mask_timeline)
# # consumed_unit_seconds = tl.calculate_area(mag_timeline)
# # assert round(abs(consumed_unit_seconds - correct_unit_seconds), 4) == 0
# # assert possible_unit_seconds == correct_possible_unit_seconds
# # profile_result = pstats.Stats(pr)
# # profile_result.sort_stats(SortKey.CUMULATIVE).print_stats(4)
# # print(f"{len(event_lst)=} {len(timeline_lst)=}")
# base_mask = bitmask_class.zeros(bit_total)
# tl = TimelineParallel(machine_name, range_start, range_end, base_mask, processes=16)
# possible_unit_seconds = tl.possible_unit_seconds
# with cProfile.Profile() as pr:
# tl.load(event_lst)
# consumed_unit_seconds = tl.calculate_area()
# # assert round(abs(consumed_unit_seconds - correct_unit_seconds), 4) == 0
# # assert possible_unit_seconds == correct_possible_unit_seconds
# profile_result = pstats.Stats(pr)
# profile_result.sort_stats(SortKey.CUMULATIVE).print_stats(16)
# # FIXME: todo
# @pytest.mark.skipif(dask is None, reason="could not import dask")
# def test_the_gauntlet():
# def test_the_gauntlet_dask():
# # requires dask, dask[distributed]
# machine_name = "test_machine"
# dtype = "U2"
* Copyright (C) 2024, UChicago Argonne, LLC
* Licensed under the 3-clause BSD license. See accompanying LICENSE.txt file
* in the top-level directory.
package Octeres.Bitmask
import Octeres.Bitmask.BitmaskLite.{LiteBitmaskStruct, getLiteBitmaskZeros, IntervalIterator, validateLiteBitmaskSlotsLike,
intersection_any_v0, intersection_any_v1, logical_or, intersection_any}
import org.scalatest.funsuite.AnyFunSuite
import org.scalatest.prop.TableDrivenPropertyChecks._
import org.scalatest.matchers.should.Matchers._
import org.scalatest.prop.TableFor3
import scala.collection.immutable.ArraySeq
class BitmaskLiteTest extends AnyFunSuite{
test("test_bitmask_logical_or") {
val bitmaskTable: TableFor3[LiteBitmaskStruct, LiteBitmaskStruct, LiteBitmaskStruct] = Table(
("bitmask0", "bitmask1", "bitmask_or"),
LiteBitmaskStruct(8, 3, 0, 2, ArraySeq(ArraySeq[Long](0, 2))),
LiteBitmaskStruct(8, 3, 1, 3, ArraySeq(ArraySeq[Long](1, 3))),
LiteBitmaskStruct(8, 4, 0, 3, ArraySeq(ArraySeq[Long](0, 3)))
), (
LiteBitmaskStruct(8, 5, 0, 4, ArraySeq(ArraySeq[Long](0, 4))),
LiteBitmaskStruct(8, 5, 0, 4, ArraySeq(ArraySeq[Long](0, 4)))
), (
), (
LiteBitmaskStruct(8, 4, 0, 4, ArraySeq(ArraySeq[Long](0, 1), ArraySeq[Long](3, 4))),
LiteBitmaskStruct(8, 2, 1, 2, ArraySeq(ArraySeq[Long](1, 2))),
LiteBitmaskStruct(8, 5, 0, 4, ArraySeq(ArraySeq[Long](0, 4)))
), (
LiteBitmaskStruct(16, 4, 1, 6, ArraySeq(ArraySeq[Long](1, 2), ArraySeq[Long](5, 6))),
LiteBitmaskStruct(16, 4, 3, 8, ArraySeq(ArraySeq[Long](3, 4), ArraySeq[Long](7, 8))),
LiteBitmaskStruct(16, 8, 1, 8, ArraySeq(ArraySeq[Long](1, 8)))
forAll(bitmaskTable) { (bitmask0, bitmask1, bitmask_or: LiteBitmaskStruct) => {
println(s"bitmask0: ${bitmask0}")
println(s"bitmask1: ${bitmask1}")
println(s"bitmask_or: ${bitmask_or}")
val bitmask_r = logical_or(bitmask0, bitmask1)
bitmask_r should equal(bitmask_or)
println(intersection_any(bitmask0, bitmask1))
test("test_getIntervalBitsGenerator") {
val bitmaskTable: TableFor3[ArraySeq[ArraySeq[Long]], Long, Long] = Table(
("intervals", "bit_idx_first", "bit_idx_last"),
(ArraySeq(ArraySeq[Long](1, 2), ArraySeq[Long](4, 5)), 0, -1),
(ArraySeq(ArraySeq[Long](2, 4), ArraySeq[Long](8, 10)), 4, 9),
(ArraySeq(ArraySeq[Long](1, 2), ArraySeq[Long](5, 6)), 3, 6),
(ArraySeq(ArraySeq[Long](3, 4), ArraySeq[Long](7, 8)), 3, 6)
forAll(bitmaskTable) { (intervals, bit_idx_first, bit_idx_last) => {
val ii = new IntervalIterator(intervals, bit_idx_first, bit_idx_last)
while (!ii.isEmpty) {
println(s"i: ${ii.get()}")
test("test_bitmask_intersection_any") {
val bitmaskTable: TableFor3[LiteBitmaskStruct, LiteBitmaskStruct, Boolean] = Table(
("bitmask0", "bitmask1", "logical_truth"),
LiteBitmaskStruct(8, 3, 0, 2, ArraySeq(ArraySeq[Long](0, 2))),
LiteBitmaskStruct(8, 3, 1, 3, ArraySeq(ArraySeq[Long](1, 3))),
), (
LiteBitmaskStruct(8, 5, 0, 4, ArraySeq(ArraySeq[Long](0, 4))),
), (
), (
LiteBitmaskStruct(8, 4, 0, 4, ArraySeq(ArraySeq[Long](0, 1), ArraySeq[Long](3, 4))),
LiteBitmaskStruct(8, 2, 1, 2, ArraySeq(ArraySeq[Long](1, 2))),
), (
LiteBitmaskStruct(16, 4, 1, 6, ArraySeq(ArraySeq[Long](1, 2), ArraySeq[Long](5, 6))),
LiteBitmaskStruct(16, 4, 3, 8, ArraySeq(ArraySeq[Long](3, 4), ArraySeq[Long](7, 8))),
forAll(bitmaskTable) { (bitmask0, bitmask1, logical_truth: Boolean) => {
println(s"bitmask0: ${bitmask0}")
println(s"bitmask1: ${bitmask1}")
val truth = intersection_any(bitmask0, bitmask1)
println(s"truth: ${truth}")
truth should equal(logical_truth)
intersection_any_v0(bitmask0, bitmask1) should equal(intersection_any_v1(bitmask0, bitmask1))
......@@ -6,7 +6,8 @@
package Octeres
import Octeres.DataUDF.{LiteBitmaskSchema, intersection_any, intersection_any_v0, intersection_any_v1, liteBitmaskStructToRow, logical_or, validateLiteBitmaskSlotsLike}
import Octeres.DataUDF.{LiteBitmaskSchema, intersection_any, liteBitmaskStructToRow, logical_or, validateLiteBitmaskSlotsLike}
import Octeres.Bitmask.BitmaskLite.{intersection_any_v0, intersection_any_v1, IntervalIterator}
import org.apache.spark.sql.functions._
import org.apache.spark.sql.types._
import org.apache.spark.sql.{Encoders, Row, SparkSession}
......@@ -199,7 +200,7 @@ class DataUDFTest extends AnyFunSuite {
forAll(bitmaskTable) { (intervals, bit_idx_first, bit_idx_last) => {
val ii = new DataUDF.IntervalIterator(intervals, bit_idx_first, bit_idx_last)
val ii = new IntervalIterator(intervals, bit_idx_first, bit_idx_last)
while (!ii.isEmpty) {
println(s"i: ${ii.get()}")
......@@ -242,7 +243,6 @@ class DataUDFTest extends AnyFunSuite {
val truth = intersection_any(bitmask0, bitmask1)
println(s"truth: ${truth}")
truth should equal(logical_truth)
intersection_any_v0(bitmask0, bitmask1) should equal(intersection_any_v1(bitmask0, bitmask1))
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